Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republicans Are Nazis: Totally Orignal Accusation

From Larry King Live September 2nd:

KING: And in New York is the very funny D.L. Hughley, the actor and standup comic, one of the original kings of comedy.

And in New York is the very funny D.L. Hughley, the actor and standup comic, one of the original kings of comedy. He is a Democrat but has not endorsed a presidential candidate.

Why not, D.L.?

D.L. HUGHLEY, ACTOR, NOT ENDORSING CANDIDATE: Well, no, that isn't true. I'm going to vote for Barack. I think that...


HUGHLEY: I'm going to vote for Barack. But to me, I'm just a -- I'm a very cynical guy. I think all politicians lie. And it's a choice between the dude who's half black and a dude who's half alive.

So -- to me, I have always been very cynical of politician. I think that I've heard pretty much the same things coming out of everybody's camp. And I think that Obama, at least, appears to be, at least, interested in doing things differently.

And later on, Hughley offered up this gem from out of nowhere:

HUGHLEY: ...I promise you, the first thing I thought when I saw those "Country First" signs, it reminded me of Nazis. It really -- I mean they just seemed so, you know -- that seemed to be a country that I don't recognize.

It seemed to be -- it didn't look that way. It looks very exclusionary. It looked very specific. I didn't see anything that looked -- you know everybody looked like they were -- had the same experience, had the same kind of process.

It seemed like that -- I felt more like I was looking -- I mean, peering into something that wasn't necessarily invited to. So I didn't -- I can't see anybody would watch them and think that those people would be, you know, open to anybody with a different experience.

So having a "different experience" is equal to Nazi Germany?

Obama bin Biden
